Coming Soon 2022

Surface Production Facilities Taking A New Approach

Surface Production Facilities

About the Event

Our structural insights make a lasting impact and necessary change to integrate multiphase pumping solutions. While many will not consider those who have tapped into vast cost savings turned their projects economics around.

Frac’ing has changed the face of the oil industry. In many areas, pad-based drilling is utilized to reduce costs for both drilling and frac’ing. Surprisingly, conventional production facilities are widely utilized for multi-pad production rather than the many game-changing advances in surface production technology.

We find it important to showcase the details of the "minimum-facility” multiphase pumping approach. It is our vision to removes almost all production equipment from the pad site and provides a number of key advantages in terms of cost savings and operational excellence. Did you know the minimum facilities approach adds enormous value for pad-based developments where surface facilities have not yet been installed and where wells on a pad share a common royalty interest. Awareness of this cost-savings approach is critical for production facilities being designed for DUC well pads and new development areas.  

The course will provide a comprehensive overview of the minimum facilities approach as applied to onshore pad-based unconventional developments. The course will detail the industry’s deep operation experience with the three key technologies essential for this transformation of the surface production facility:

Key issues around automated well testing, artificial lift and flow assurance/slugging are also discussed. The course will provide valuable insights into the benefits derived from this approach in area such as CAPEX/OPEX reduction, HSE risk reduction, improved reservoir management, increased EUR/ rates, in-well artificial lift methods and deliquification.

The goal of the course is to raise awareness of the immediate availability of the minimum facilities approach to improve economics for DUC pads and new field developments.


Session topics include:

Concepts - Contrast conventional pad facilities with the minimum facilities approach in several major onshore basins; highlight the cost and HSE differences resulting from various design approaches.

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow and Pumping - Overview of multiphase flow and flow assurance for inter-pad flowlines; contrast the conventional test separator with multiphase metering;  present industry experience with multi-port selector valves and discuss benefits derived from frequent well tests; overview of multiphase pumping technologies with insights into the operational envelop of the twin-screw pumps which are most suitable for onshore applications.

Case Histories - Illustrate the use of multiphase pumps in onshore development, including as vapor recovery units, and boosting well production via wellhead compression and mitigating bottle-necking for transport to processing facilities.  Field results for multiphase metering as a replacement for a test separator.

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